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6 Greatest Benefits of SEO – Why SEO is More Relevant Than Ever

Every other year a few voices from distant corners of the marketing world whisper that SEO is dying.

What these people fail to understand is that Panda and Penguin updates only killed spammy elements of SEO forcing the industry to evolve and mature into fully grown-up customer-centric marketing discipline it is today.

And we think it’s a wonderful thing.

It has forced SEOs to put their audience first and become more rounded professionals.

SEO is a complete framework of processes and guidelines that optimise a website for search engines considering user’s search intent, user experience, and site usability.

As the SEO industry is becoming more sophisticated, it will only grow in importance and global spend.

It is estimated that by 2020 the SEO industry will be worth $80 billion dollars, which is likely to be higher than online advertising spending.

SEO is growing for one reason: It works.

Search marketing will continue to be important because people will continue to search the Internet for many years to come.

Below are some impressive stats that clearly show the importance of SEO:

  • 3 billion people search the internet every single day
  • 93% of online activities start on a search engine
  • There are 40,000 searches every second, and 3.5 billion searches per day
  • Organic search is #1 driver of global traffic (51%). To compare – organic social is only 5%.
  • 81% of shoppers research and compare products online before making a purchase.
  • Over 40% of revenue is captured by organic traffic
  • 75% of people never go on the 2nd page of Google

You can see based solely on the statistics above why every business that’s determined to grow is taking SEO seriously.

Simply having a functional website isn’t enough, because there are hundreds of opportunities for your business to be found on search engines when your target audience is looking to solve their problems.

Let’s look into the 6 greatest benefits of SEO in more detail …

No #1 SEO Traffic Converts Better Than Any Other Traffic

Search traffic has the best conversion rates for most websites.

SEO traffic is more likely to convert than other sources of traffic because people are actively searching for the problem to solve rather than being advertised to.

This means that people don’t find your business unless they want to. Meaning, you only show up when people are looking for information related to your product or service.

How much more targeted and ‘warm’ of an audience could you ask for?

With more targeted traffic coming to your website, it’s a no-brainer that your sales will increase.

Your business can grow much faster with strategic SEO. The more visible your business is, the more it grows.

HOW CAN WE HELP? – At Digivate, we don’t drive traffic for the number’s sake. Our goal is to grow your business, so we only concentrate on quality traffic that has the potential to convert. To achieve that, we go deeper than other agencies. We try to understand your audience beyond keywords: we conduct surveys, scrape forums and analyse data to understand your target audience motivations and barriers to buying.

No #2 SEO Will Help You Gain Market Share

SEO can help you gain market share by being highly visible.

If your business is not on the 1st page of Google, you are virtually invisible.

The 1st Google organic search result gets 32.5% traffic share. The top 3 results get 61.5% of all potential traffic and it quickly starts declining from there.

percentage by traffic by position

Below is a visual relationship between a position on Google and its click-through rate.

Some business owners go without any formal SEO efforts because they believe that being anywhere in the search results is “good enough”.

The sad reality is 75% of people never go on the 2nd page of Google.

Moreover, customers automatically associate those businesses that appear high on SERPs as the leaders and best choices.

So, if you want to be seen as the number one choice for your industry, you need to be ranking on page #1.

HOW CAN WE HELP? – To achieve quicker results, we purposefully target keywords that are highly relevant to your business and customers but have low to medium keyword difficulty score. This will help us to start small and grow big.

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So, if you want to be seen as the number one choice for your industry, you need to be ranking on page #1.

No #3 SEO Builds Trust and Credibility

Conversions aside, SEO will also build your brand awareness and credibility.

People trust Google. They associate the first listings on Google with reputable companies.

So, by investing in SEO, your company becomes THE go-to-brand of your industry.

Awareness is important because your website visitors may not always be ready to purchase. However, by being aware of your offerings, they may purchase in the near future.

SEO is the best and the most cost-effective way to increase your brand awareness and boost your business’s reputation.

No #4. SEO Provides 24/7 Promotion

The great thing about SEO is that it works around the clock 24/7.

This enables your online presence to be open nonstop without you having to pay for ads.

Your rankings won’t disappear overnight. If your content is worthy of being the best possible result for a particular query, it tends to rank for day/months/years.

HOW CAN WE HELP? – PPC can improve SEO and vice versa. We can integrate both.

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No #5 SEO Helps to Turn Visitors into Your Sales Funnel

Customers are constantly asking Google questions related to your business.

Customers do their research at each buyer stage. From “what is X”, to “what is better X or Y” – the customers are constantly evaluating your business.

As a CMO or marketing manager, your main objective is to know what your customers are asking and how to turn that interest into a lead and that lead into a sale.

sales funnel

The 4-stage process of turning your target audience into buyers is called a sales funnel.

The sales funnel is the journey of your customers from when they first become aware of your business to ultimately buying from you.

Whether you’re an online or a brick-and-mortar business, the best way to quickly grow your revenue is by building a sales funnel.

The goal of your entire sales funnel is to solve your customer’s problem by offering them enticing solutions at each stage.

Working with a reputable SEO marketing agency such as Digivate will help you to serve your customers at each buyer stage and turn them into buyers.

HOW CAN WE HELP? – We help you to understand your audience and build a sales funnel that converts.

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No #6 SEO Integrates Social Media, PR and Email Marketing

All online marketing activities can be attributed to your SEO rankings.

SEO improves marketing ROI for social media, content, paid media, public relations, and email marketing.

Let’s look into some of them in more detail …

How SEO Leverages Social Sharing?

As a general rule, a website with high rankings and exposure will also gain more social shares.

Hence, SEO is good for the social promotion of your website. People who find your web site by searching Google, Bing or Yahoo are more likely to promote it on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media channels.

How SEO Helps PR?

The more visible you are on search engines, the more it provides opportunities for publicity – interviews, mentions, and backlinks.

Quality backlinks are one of the strongest SEO ranking factors. The more relevant quality websites link to you, the higher you rank.

Hence, the relationship between PR and SEO is bi-directional.

How Does SEO Help to Increase Email Subscribers?

Your email subscribers grow as your website traffic increases – it’s given.

To make the most of the increased traffic, we recommend having a strong incentive at each buyer stage, also known as a lead magnet.

HOW CAN WE HELP? – We don’t do social media, SEO, PPC, content. We grow businesses. This means that all our departments work together for one goal – to increase revenue for our clients.

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Benefits of Working with an SEO Agency

Without a doubt, SEO is the best long-term investment for your business.

We hope that this article proved the importance of SEO in today’s highly competitive market.

The question you are probably asking yourself…

“Should I hire an SEO agency or do it in-house?”

We’ve put together a comprehensive infographic of the top 10 benefits of working with a digital marketing agency.

Below are the 3 major benefits of hiring an integrated agency:

1. Quicker Results

An agency already has established processes, skillsets, access to intelligent data and most up-to-date tools to get your project off the ground immediately.

It can take a lot of time if you were to set it all up internally without any previous experience.

2. Better Results

What an agency with a long track record of success has is the experience. We know what works, why it works and how long it will take to work – we manage your expectations, so there are no surprises.

3. Integrated Solutions

We know that in order to convert your visitors into buyers, we need to integrate SEO with UX (user experience), CRO (conversion rate optimisation) and PPC (paid per click advertising) in order to make the most of your marketing.

This is why all our teams work together.

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Article by

Rodrigo Lasanta

Rodrigo Lasanta is the Lead SEO Specialist at Digivate, with over 7 years' experience growing B2B and e-commerce brands across a range of different industries. He holds a Master's Degree in Digital Media with a special focus on Digital Marketing. In his free time, you can find him listening to SEO podcasts, reading books and comics, and watching the weirdest films you can imagine.

How can we help?

We can implement the right technology and analytics for your business, set up tracking tags across all online activity and create a content strategy for all customer touchpoints that drive the prospects towards the final conversion.

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